santa barbara city college
“Nathan Kreitzer’s leading of the masterpiece was a potent reminder that live performances
still prove more moving than even the best recordings.”
The Choral Program at the college is well known in the U.S. and abroad. Our multiple level choral/vocal program includes large choral ensembles, smaller chamber groups, a women’s chorus and a professional vocal ensemble. We offer vocal techniques courses and individual applied vocal instruction from world class instructors specialized in preparation for recitals and university auditions. Our applied vocalists have continued their study at USC, UCLA, Chapman University, NYU, and numerous universities across the country. Our ensembles tour regularly. Recent tours have included Russia, Sweden, Finland, China, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Estonia.
Workshops with the choirs have included Eric Whitacre, Peter Phillips, the Cardinall’s Musick, Vance George, and Chanticleer.
Large choral performance ensemble, open to anyone who wants to sing. Study and perform standard choral literature.
Professional singing group performing sacred a cappella works from the Renaissance and modern eras.
Study and performance of Modern choral literature for the small ensemble (up to 16 singers maximum).
Development of fundamental singing skills, including stage presence, posture, breath control, tone production, diction, musical interpretation and preparation of musical selections for performance.